Saturday, October 9, 2010

Christopher Moonlight @ Weekend of Horrors

Come see the art of Christopher Moonlight among 12 other great artists at Weekend of Horrors, next Friday through Saturday.
Burbank Airport Marriott
2500 Hollywood Way
The Creation Weekend of Horrors returns to BURBANK! With BRUCE CAMPBELL, CLIVE BARKER and many more amazing celebrity guests, special events, previews, vendors, screenings, auctions, contests, and the best genre networking on the planet: WEEKEND OF HORRORS is and always has been the place to be and be seen for industry insiders! Make your plans to be with us for the fun!We're moving back to the BURBANK MARRIOTT and the entire Weekend of Horrors will take place in the hotel so there is no need to be anywhere else! The Marriott offers special lower than normal room rates for those with the show.Now announcing the appearance of BILL LUSTIG and FRANK HENENLOTTER!