Friday, September 12, 2008

The Drawing of the Three: Aunia Kahn

We've put together three questions to ask artist and people who are involved it the arts (and who are future interviewees of Moonlight Art Magazine) to DRAW you a picture of what kind of people they are. This segment we asked digital and mixed media artist Aunia Kahn.

What art books do you take to bed with you?
Coloring books. No really I do, they are silly and fun.

Tell us your favorite joke.
Really I can't remember jokes even if you told me 5 min ago, and if I tried to retell the joke,
the delivery would be terrible. I am truly a bad joke teller, but tell me as many as you want.
I love hearing them.

What character in a movie made you think, "I should have played that role!"
I should have played Julia Robert's in "Sleeping with the Enemy".


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